Hi, there!

I am Fu Wang, a PhD student supervised by Dr. Wenjie Ruan at the Exeter Trustworthy AI Lab, University of Exeter. My research interests include adversarial attacks and defences on deep neural networks, robustness verification techniques, and global optimization algorithms. I am also interested in various deep learning applications that can bring substantial benefits to our daily life.

Before starting my PhD, I achieved a Master degree in Computer Science at Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET) and a Bachelor degree in Information and Computing Science at the Henan University of Engineering.



  • (09/2021) Start my PhD study at the University of Exeter.
  • (07/2021) Graduated from GUET with the outstanding thesis reward (5%).
  • (04/2021) Our paper "Reachability Analysis on Recurrent Neural Networks" has been accepted by Robust and Reliable Machine Learning in the Real World Workshop at ICLR 2021.



  • (12/2019) Arrive in the UK as a visiting student at Lancaster University. (Supported by the study abroad program for graduate students of GUET)